All HKCHSE members will benefit from powerful career development opportunities.
Our mission is to develop healthcare managers and leaders who transform the quality and value of services, and health outcomes of the community.
We help you build sustainable networks with experienced managers.
- Access to over 10 seminars and workshops a year
- Expand your networks with HKCHSE special interest groups
- Connect with key industry players and build your skills at the College Annual Conference
- Attend the Annual Congress of Australasian College of Health Service Management at discounted fee
You will attain the key tools of professional development in health leadership.
- Benefit from the only dedicated information service for health managers
- Expand your expertise with the prestigious, peer-reviewed College Newsletter
- Grow your professionalism and be inspired with a hand-picked mentor
- Undertake the prestigious fellowship program
- Get involved in influencing health policy
- Support the organization that builds innovation in health service management
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